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Version: Mainnet

Transfer security


Relayers listen for specific events or transactions on each blockchain (e.g. RollApps and Dymension) that indicate a request to send tokens to another blockchain. Once a relevant event is detected on one blockchain, the relayer packages the information into a message and submits it to the other blockchain.

Relayers do not charge users a fee for passing the messages between blockchains. Generally, a relayer is operated by RollApp sequencers and Dymension validators.

Light client security

The security of RollApp transfers is independent of the honesty of relayers. Dymension uses IBC light clients to efficiently verify the state of RollApps. A light client is a simplified version of a blockchain client that can check for proofs of inclusion and exlusion without needing to run a full node.

Light client headers are submitted by Sequencers to Dymension as part of periodic state commitments. In case of a positive fraud proof, submitted light client headers are invalidated. Only after a dispute period, which is measured as a parameter on Dymension, are light client headers approved and a transfer packet may be finalized (e.g., Check if a RollApp token has been either burned or locked on the RollApp).

To enable immediate user withdrawals, eIBC allows anyone to fulfill withdrawal requests in exchange for a priority tip.