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Version: Mainnet

Rollapp Metadata

Creating a RollApp on the Dymension network is an exciting process that begins with registering your RollApp's Metadata. This crucial step establishes your RollApp's identity within the Dymension ecosystem and makes it discoverable to users. In this section, we'll guide you through the process of submitting your RollApp's details and explain the significance of each piece of information you'll need to provide.

Before diving into the specifics, it's important to note that all RollApp metadata is stored on-chain on Dymension Hub, ensuring a real permissionless network. Let's explore the required and optional information you'll need to register your RollApp.

To begin the process, navigate to the Dymension Portal. Let's explore the various fields you'll encounter:


ImageThis Image will be displayed on the Portal as the RollApp's logo in various places.Yes
DomainThis serves as the RollApp's unique identifier on Dymension. Users can combine this domain with a username (e.g., john@nim) to transfer funds to and within the RollApp, eliminating the need for complex addresses. See domain pricing belowNo
Display nameThis name will be shown on the Portal for the RollApp, serving as the primary identifier for users.Yes
Virtual machineThe virtual environment where the RollApp's smart contracts are executed, determining the runtime and compatibility. Currently supports EVM and CosmWasm.No


WebsiteThe official website of the RollApp, providing users with access to more information and resources.Yes
X LinkThe link to the RollApp's official account on the X platform (formerly known as Twitter), for social media engagement and updates.Yes
Telegram linkThe link to the RollApp's official Telegram group or channel, for community interaction and support.Yes
TaglineA brief, catchy phrase that summarizes the RollApp's unique value proposition or mission.Yes
DescriptionA detailed explanation of the RollApp, including its features, purpose, and how it integrates within the Dymension ecosystem.Yes
ApplicationsAfter registering a RollApp, creators may add application URLs which will be displayed on the Portal.Yes

Domain costs

Domains do not expire after their initial registration. The initial cost of a domain is determined by the character length. Domain registration fees are charged in DYM which are subsequently burned after the purchase.

Character LengthCost (DYM)