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Version: Mainnet

Initial RollApp Offering (IRO)

IRO enable creators to conduct token sales and trading before a RollApp goes live, allowing projects to build an initial user base and establish liquidity for RollApp tokens. Raised funds are automatically used to seed a liquidity pool on Dymension's DEX.

IRO Settings

Target RaiseTotal DYM to be raised from the IRO to be used as seed liquidity for the Dymension DEX liquidity pool.
Pre-sale Start TimeDate and time when the IRO begins.
Minimum IRO DurationMinimum time the IRO will be active. After this period the RollApp may be launched at anytime.

Unsold IRO tokens are distributed as linear incentives to bonded liquidity providers over 365 days in the liquidity pool after the RollApp launch, rewarding users to provide additional liquidity post-launch.

Bonding Curve Options

Curve TypeDescription
FixedTokens are sold at a constant price throughout the entire IRO period.
LinearThe token price increases in a straight line as more tokens are sold. For example, if 50% of tokens are sold, the price will be halfway between the starting and ending prices.
LogarithmicThe token price rises rapidly at the beginning of the sale and then levels off as more tokens are sold. This curve type front-loads the price increase, potentially creating a sense of urgency for early buyers.
ExponentialPrice increases at an accelerating rate as more tokens are sold. Resulting in a steeper price rise compared to linear or logarithmic curves, especially in later stages of the sale.