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Version: Devnet - Playground


Creating a RollApp on the Dymension network is an exciting journey that allows you to develop your own blockchain application, which can later be run by you or anyone else. This section will guide you through the essential steps to bring your RollApp to life.

Key Steps

  1. Rollapp Metadata: Define your RollApp's identity by registering crucial information such as its name, logo, and description. This step makes your RollApp discoverable within the Dymension ecosystem.

  2. Tokenomics: Establish the economic framework of your RollApp by setting parameters like token supply, inflation rates, and revenue distribution among stakeholders. Specify initial token allocations for addresses at the launch of your RollApp, either through manual entry or by uploading a JSON file.

  3. Initial Sequencer: Choose between a permissionless or permissioned model for your RollApp's initial sequencer, which is responsible for ordering transactions and maintaining the RollApp's integrity.

By following these steps, you'll be able to create a fully functional RollApp that's ready to serve users on the Dymension network. Each component plays a crucial role in defining your RollApp's characteristics and operational model.