IBC Transfers
IBC transfers are a way to transfer tokens between the Dymension hub and RollApps. In the following sections, we'll cover the common issues that may arise when performing IBC transfers.
Common Issues
Relayers not whitelisted
In order to perform IBC transfers, the relayer must be whitelisted. This is done automatically on startup. If you wish to manually whitelist a relayer, you can do so by following the guide here.
Lack of funds
If you are unable to perform IBC transfers, it may be related that your relayer does not have enough funds to perform the transfer. By default, whitelisted relayers do not require balance to send IBC transactions on the RollApp side, however they do require balance on the Dymension side.
To check the balance of your relayer, first let's get the address of your relayer.
/usr/local/bin/roller_bins/rly keys list dymension_1100-1 --home ~/.roller/relayer/
Then, you can check the balance of your relayer by querying the Dymension hub:
dymd q bank balances <relayer-address>
Relayer not running
If your relayer is not running, you will not be able to perform IBC transfers. You can start your relayer by running the following command:
roller relayer services start