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Version: Mainnet


The following information describes public API end-point for retrieving a list of addresses that have endorsed a RollApp or Liquidity pool. This may be used to incentivize users to endorse a desired RollApp and/or liquidity pool.


typestringThe type of entity to query. Options: rollapp or pool.
idstringThe ID of the RollApp or Pool, depending on type.
pageintegerPage number for pagination. Default is 1.
sizeintegerNumber of items per page. Default is 100.
count-onlybooleanSet to true to return only the total count of records.


"status": "1",
"message": "OK",
"result": {
"list": [
"a": "dym1tqa2q4xpckjfferc8eff8duagu7rkjsjxdmylkt",
"h": 4999,
"l": 999999999995750000
"a": "dym1ttqp99cttl24fnewokfqkw7lppvsdhkhdg9hwq3wq",
"h": 1229,
"l": 394884296001529150

Usage notes

  • The h field represents the integer portion of the endorsed amount.
  • The l field represents the fractional remainder.
  • Use count-only=true if you only need the total number of endorsements without fetching the full list.