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Version: Mainnet


Tokens (e.g. single tokens, liquidity pool tokens, etc.) may be bonded in a gauge to be eligible for incentives. Incentives are streamed directly to the user's address with no lockup period.

Gauges for liquidity pools are automatically created and eligible for protocol incentives (based on Dymension governance). Gauges are distinguished from each other by the lockup period, target denom, and type of gauges.

Two types of gauges may be created:

  • Non-perpetual gauges distribute their tokens equally per epoch while the gauge is in the active period.
  • Perpetual gauges distribute all their tokens at a single time. This type of gauge is used by Dymension's incentive manager to distribute DYM (i.e. x/streamer). Users must bond their tokens to be eligible for Dymension AMM incentives, the unbonding time is one minute.

Creating a gauge

To create an external incentivized gauge:

dymd tx incentives create-gauge [lockup_denom] [reward] [flags]

Example 1: Non-perpetual

Rewards will be allocated to bonded LP tokens in pool 1 for a minimum duration of one day. Distribute a total of 100 tokens to this pool over a period of two days (spanning 2 epochs). Begin on the corresponding UNIX timestamp.

dymd tx incentives create-gauge gamm/pool/1 100ibc/<PATH> --duration 24h  --start-time=<UNIX-TIMESTAMP> --epochs 2 --from WALLET_NAME

Example 2: Perpetual

Rewards will be allocated to bonded IBC/TARGET_PATH tokens for a minimum duration of one minute. Distribute a total of 100 DYM immediatley.

dymd tx incentives create-gauge ibc/<TARGET_PATH> 100DYM --perpetual --duration 1m --from WALLET_NAME

Adding to a gauge

Additional rewards may be added by anyone to existing gauges:

dymd tx incentives add-to-gauge [gauge_id] [rewards] [flags]


Refill the gauge with 100 IBC tokens to a previously created gauge (gauge ID 1).

dymd tx incentives add-to-gauge 1 100ibc/<PATH> --from WALLET_NAME