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Allocating tokens

Tokens may be distributed on Genesis. RollApp deployers input an address and the amount of tokens will be distributed on the first block of the RollApp (i.e., genesis block).

Rolldrop template

Provided here is a Rolldrop website template that allows developers to customize their website while providing a framework for sign-less airdrop claiming. Addresses with the same coin type (i.e coin type 60 for EVM RollApps) key derivation do not need to sign messages.

Dymension stakers

Provided here is a continually updated list of DYM stakers on the Dymension blockchain. This data is meant to reduce the overhead of compiling address lists for the genesis distribution. This list may be modified to distribute tokens in any type of form (e.g. pro-rata distribution, capped distributions...).

Adding genesis accounts

Accounts with no locked tokens are standard accounts.

Via CLI:

$EXECUTABLE add-genesis-account <ADDRESS> [AMOUNT][DENOM]

Add to JSON:

Non-EVM RollApp

"@type": "/cosmos.auth.v1beta1.BaseAccount",
"address": "rollapp3ca6dtt5m9nw4sxwhswf7x679x8m4h58237mtra",
"pub_key": null,
"account_number": "0",
"sequence": "0"

EVM RollApp

"@type": "/ethermint.types.v1.EthAccount",
"base_account": {
"address": "rollapp1q94320qqqqtk7tp5z3nfekwof3c9l522drg0tqhcm",
"pub_key": null,
"account_number": "0",
"sequence": "0"
"code_hash": "0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470"